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Errors That Affect Trial Balance Agreement

Trial balance is an accounting process that represents the summation of all debit and credit entries in a company`s finance books. It is a crucial step in the accounting process as it helps in detecting errors, discrepancies and unbalanced accounts. A balanced trial balance guarantees that the total value of the credit entries matches the total value of the debit entries. However, errors in accounting can disrupt the balance, rendering the trial balance ineffective. In this article, we will discuss some common errors that affect trial balance agreement, and how to avoid them.

1. Omission errors: This is the most common error that occurs when an entry is left out of the accounting records. This error leads to an unbalanced trial balance, meaning the total debit entries will not match the total credit entries.

To avoid this, ensure all the transactions are recorded in the books of accounts. This can be achieved by adopting a double-entry system, where all transactions are recorded on the debit and credit sides of the account. This will help to ensure that all entries are captured.

2. Commission errors: Commission errors occur when an entry is recorded in the wrong account. This results in an imbalance in the trial balance, as the debit and credit entries will not match. Commission errors can occur due to mistakes in naming, coding, or posting the entries.

To avoid commission errors, ensure that all entries are accurately recorded in the appropriate accounts. It is essential to verify the accuracy of the entries before posting them. A review of the accounts at the end of each day or week can be useful in detecting commission errors.

3. Reversal errors: Reversal errors occur when an entry`s debit and credit sides are switched. These errors lead to an unbalanced trial balance since the total credit entries will not match the total debit entries.

To avoid reversal errors, check and verify all entries before posting them. Double-checking the entry before submitting it can help detect any errors or mistakes.

4. Posting errors: Posting errors occur when an entry is posted to the wrong account or the wrong side of the account. This error can result in an unbalanced trial balance.

To avoid posting errors, it is essential to double-check all entries before posting them. This can be done by reviewing the entry and confirming that it is correctly recorded in the appropriate account.

In conclusion, trial balance is a crucial step in accounting as it helps to detect errors, discrepancies and unbalanced accounts. Ensuring the accuracy of entries is essential to maintaining a balanced trial balance. It is crucial to adopt a double-entry system, verify the accuracy of entries before posting them, and review accounts regularly to ensure that all entries are correct. By following these steps, you can prevent errors that affect trial balance agreement and ensure accurate accounting.