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Arusha Agreement Upsc

The Arusha Agreement is a significant political agreement in the history of Tanzania. It was signed in 1993 in Arusha, a city in northern Tanzania, and aimed to resolve the long-standing conflict between the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party and the opposition parties, by setting up a multi-party democratic system.

For those appearing for the UPSC exam, it’s crucial to know the key aspects of the Arusha Agreement and its significance in Tanzania’s political history.

The agreement was signed after years of political strife in Tanzania, which many believed threatened its stability. The CCM, which had ruled Tanzania since its independence from colonial rule in 1961, was seen by many as increasingly oppressive and undemocratic. The opposition parties mobilized against the CCM, which led to violent clashes between the two sides.

The Arusha Agreement was signed in an attempt to resolve this conflict. The agreement established a new constitution that provided for a multi-party democratic system, which included a separation of powers and a Bill of Rights. It also provided for the establishment of an independent electoral commission to oversee elections and ensure their fairness.

The signing of the Arusha Agreement was a significant moment in Tanzania’s political history. It marked the beginning of a new era of democracy in the country, and it has since served as an inspiration for other African nations seeking democratic reforms.

The Arusha Agreement also had significant implications for Tanzania’s regional and global relations. The United States, the United Kingdom, and other Western nations had previously criticized Tanzania’s one-party system and had called for democratic reforms. The signing of the agreement increased Tanzania’s standing in the international community and helped the country secure foreign aid and investment.

In conclusion, the Arusha Agreement is a crucial milestone in Tanzania’s political history. It established a multi-party democratic system, which has since served as an inspiration to other African nations. The agreement marked the beginning of a new era of democracy in Tanzania, which has had significant implications for the country’s regional and global relations. Therefore, understanding the key aspects of the Arusha Agreement is of utmost importance for those appearing for the UPSC exam, especially for the aspirants who have opted for political science as their optional subject.